

photo: Chicken sushi from Maki-San in Singapore

Sushi is a Japanese dish that consists of vinegared rice, combined with vegetables, seaweed, and raw fish1. The concept of sushi originates from a method of preserving excess fish2. Poultry ingredients such as chicken are not usually incorporated in traditional sushi.  However, sushi has evolved over the centuries and plenty of unique dishes have been created3.

Sushi started in third century B.C. in Southern China4. The locals used salt and rice to preserve the raw fish for a year. They would remove the rice and consume the preserved fish once ready. This practice spread to Japan and became the first generation of sushi4. Over time, the rice used in the preservation process was not discarded. Instead, it was consumed together with the preserved fish. Vinegar was added to flavor the rice and shorten the sushi-making process5. Due to globalization, sushi is widely available in numerous flavors and unique combinations6Sushi can be found in the United States, where the famous California and Philadelphia sushi rolls were invented7.

In Singapore, Lepark restaurant uses chicken rice, poached chicken, garlic chili, and seaweed to make poached chicken sushi8. Casual Japanese eatery Maki-San allows customers to customize their sushi using different types of poultry, such as smoked duck and chicken jerky. They offer other unconventional ingredients, which includes Japanese curry, raisins, and mango9.

In the United States, Russian sushi is tailored to the local’s taste by using ingredients such as cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, mayonnaise, and chicken10. Cowfish, an American restaurant selling unique sushi and burgers, created a Thanksgiving sushi roll. It incorporates turkey, green beans, shoestring sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce known as gobble gobble-ooshi11.

Traditionally or unconventionally prepared, sushi proves to be a versatile dish that allows consumers to have it served with preserved fish or cooked poultry. It is now widely available anywhere in the world from hawker centers to high-end Japanese restaurants to cater to the masses.

1 Next Shark. (2016). 5 Reasons Why Real Sushi Lovers Should Never Order Rolls. [online] Available at: http://nextshark.com/sushi-lover-order-rolls/
2 Business Insider. (2015). An illustrated guide to the complete history of sushi. [online] Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-complete-history-of-sushi-2015-2?IR=T&r=US&IR=T
3 Business Insider. (2015). An illustrated guide to the complete history of sushi. [online] Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-complete-history-of-sushi-2015-2?IR=T&r=US&IR=T
4 Business Insider. (2015). An illustrated guide to the complete history of sushi. [online] Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-complete-history-of-sushi-2015-2?IR=T&r=US&IR=T
5 Business Insider. (2015). An illustrated guide to the complete history of sushi. [online] Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-complete-history-of-sushi-2015-2?IR=T&r=US&IR=T
6 Business Insider. (2015). An illustrated guide to the complete history of sushi. [online] Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-complete-history-of-sushi-2015-2?IR=T&r=US&IR=T
7 Sheknows. (2015). 10 Irresistible sushi rolls you’ll only find in America. [online] Available at: http://www.sheknows.com/food-and-recipes/articles/1079110/unique-american-sushi-rolls
8 DanielFoodDiary. (2015). Lepark – Mod Sin Tapas Bar At People’s Park Complex Rooftop. [online] Available at: http://danielfooddiary.com/2015/08/20/lepark/
9 The Ordinary Patrons. (2016). Design your own sushi and salad at Maki-San. [online] Available at: https://ordinarypatrons.com/2016/07/11/design-sushi-salad-maki-san/
10 Reader’s Digest. (2016). Around the world in 8 sushi dishes. [online] Available at: http://www.readersdigest.co.uk/food-drink/food-lists/around-world-8-sushi-dishes
11 Raleigh Agenda. (2016). Cowfish Is Selling a Thanksgiving-Style Sushi Roll, the Gobble Gobble-Ooshi. We Tried It. [online] Available at: https://www.raleighagenda.com/7104/cowfish-selling-thanksgiving-style-sushi-roll-gobble-gobble-ooshi-tried/