Bebek Goreng, which translates to Fried Duck in Indonesian, is a beloved Indonesian delicacy known for its succulent and tender meat wrapped in crispy skin. Traditionally, cooking Bebek Goreng involves marinating the duck in a mixture of spices and herbs for hours to tenderize and infuse the duck with a rich and aromatic flavor. In Chef Jerome Razel’s rendition, which he demonstrated in a masterclass, the duck is not marinated. Instead, the marinade is poured over the duck after it has been deep-fried, offering sharp contrasts of flavor with every other bite. And thanks to cooking the duck sous vide, the duck remains tender.
- U.S. Duck – 200g
- Red Shallots – 100g
- Garlic – 30g
- Lime Leaves – 30g
- Lemongrass – 80g
- Sambal Belecan/Terasi – 30g
- Coconut Oil – 100ml
- Salt – to taste
- Sugar – to taste
- Sous vide the U.S. duck at 54 degrees for 2 hours
- Slice the shallots, garlic, lime leaves thinly and leave aside
- Deep fry the duck meat and put aside once golden brown
- Slice the lemongrass thinly and sauté with coconut oil
- Add in the sambal terasi
- Pour the hot oil onto the shallots, garlic and lime leaves
- Season with salt and sugar
- Pour the marinade on top of the crispy duck