
Market News

photo: Dosirak deliver healthy Korean rice bowls According to Euromonitor’s Health and Wellness Report in 2016, Singaporeans are increasingly eating healthier1. They are inclined to purchase food products that are labeled with the ‘Healthier Choice’ symbol. It has been observed that sales of healthy consumer items grow gradually at...

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Purchasing whole chickens is more economical than buying pre-packaged individual chicken parts1. It is also more environmentally-friendly to utilize each chicken part to create different dishes as it can minimize food wastage. There is a plethora of dishes that can be produced from using chicken meat. A whole chicken...

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Duck meat has significant differences from chicken meat. For instance, duck is categorized as red meat while chicken belongs to the white meat group. Also, duck meat has a strong gamey flavor with a tough texture while chicken meat is less flavorful and more tender1. Furthermore, duck meat contains...

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The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) dining concept offers customers the freedom to customize their orders according to their own preferences. According to the 2016 Burger Report, DIY burgers are a popular trend in the United States since there is a huge demand for variety and customization1. The DIY burger concept is...

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Popularized by food and travel shows, fusion cuisine concept is one of the emerging food trends since 2013. These shows educate and expose the audience to unique foreign foods and flavors, enticing consumers to try new and bold combinations when ordering food1. Fusion cuisine involves combining two or more...

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Affordable ramen served at food courts According a report by The World Bank, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore are experiencing a slowing economy1. Malaysia’s economic growth rate eased in 2016 while Singapore’s economy contracted2. As a result, restaurants operating in these Southeast Asian countries were impacted. For instance, Singapore’s restaurant...

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Plaa Haeng Tang Ulit consumed for hydration According to a report by Channel NewsAsia, temperatures reached a high 35 degrees Celsius in Singapore on 9 January, 20171. Thailand recorded an all-time national high of 44 degrees Celsius in April 2016 while Malaysia’s abnormally high temperatures has resulted in dried...

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Costa Coffee paired with chicken sandwich  Food pairing is usually carried out to enhance flavors of a dish and forms part of a restaurant’s push to upsell to diners. Apart from wine, coffee is often paired with poultry. Coffee has a plethora of flavors, ranging from intensity and aroma....

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Breakfast is dubbed as the most important meal of the day. Those who skip breakfast might find themselves facing health issues such as weight gain and lower metabolism rates1. However, there has been no concrete scientific evidence to support this claim. Dr. Betts from the University of Bath conducted...

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Salted egg yolk was one of the biggest food crazes of 2016 in Singapore1. The golden sauce was originally used in liu sha bao or golden sand bun2. Throughout the year, this delicious sauce has been used in a variety of dishes such as waffles and pizza3. The origin...

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