
Market News

Image credit: Flickr Sweet or Savory? One has an assortment of choices when it comes to purchasing ‘Bak Chang’ (rice dumplings). The story of rice dumplings begins with the tale of Qu Yuan, a minister of state during the Warring States era of China who failed to prevent the...

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Image Credit: Ong Wende “Moo” in Thai is “pork” while “kata” loosely refers to the “skillet”. It is the brainchild of combining the steamboat and grill. Its dome-shaped grill has a soup trough placed over charcoal cinders. One theory claims that Mookata came about from Korea, when it was being...

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Photo: A HungryGoWhere review Do you remember the one time when you tried a new restaurant because your friend raved about how good it is? At some point in time, most of us would accept a word-of-mouth recommendation from a friend or family. People know that friends and family...

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Photo: Goreng Pisang Many Southeast Asian countries are rich in history, but with a common denominator; they all have experienced a colonial past. Indonesia was a former Dutch colony, Vietnam, under the French rule while the Philippines was under Spanish control for close to 400 years. Many of the...

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Photo: Chicken Farm Imagine this: hearing “Canon in D” being played on repeat and seeing the lights change to match the hue and mood of the music in a barn. An increasing number of chicken farms all around the world are serenading their animals as music not only helps...

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Non-Asians are becoming more open-minded and adventurous when it comes to food. This is in part due to globalization and with it a growing acceptance of unfamiliar flavors, especially from Southeast Asian cuisines. Concurrently, diners are more willing to try new dishes because of popular TV chefs and hosts...

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Pairing wine and food appropriately can serve to enhance flavors in the main dish. However, a mismatched pairing between wine and food can overwhelm the flavors of the main dish, or cause the wine to taste unpleasant. In order to master wine food pairing, some knowledge of wine categories...

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left: Mediterranean Salad A healthy diet can help one maintain an optimal weight and avoid possible health problems. Contrary to popular opinion, a healthy diet is not about strict dietary restrictions or limiting the amount of food that you love. Let us introduce you to a healthy diet that...

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left: Convenience food in a supermarket Frozen pizzas and chicken pies, heat and serve meals, cut and diced apple, pre-packed salads, – these are a few examples of convenience foods. With more people facing busy and hectic lifestyles, time-pressed customers are turning to convenience foods to settle their daily...

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photo: Golden Phoenix Claw The consumption of chicken has increased in recent years to become the best-selling meat item globally. In some countries, there appears to be a national preference for consumption of specific parts of the chicken like breast, legs and wings. However, in many other countries, almost...

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