
Market News

Breakfast is dubbed as the most important meal of the day. Those who skip breakfast might find themselves facing health issues such as weight gain and lower metabolism rates1. However, there has been no concrete scientific evidence to support this claim. Dr. Betts from the University of Bath conducted...

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Salted egg yolk was one of the biggest food crazes of 2016 in Singapore1. The golden sauce was originally used in liu sha bao or golden sand bun2. Throughout the year, this delicious sauce has been used in a variety of dishes such as waffles and pizza3. The origin...

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Desserts are usually associated with confectioneries such as cakes, tarts, ice creams, pastries, and puddings1. The culinary world has transformed mainstream desserts to be unique to entice patrons returning for more delectable creations. Today, chefs from around the world include meat into their desserts. Bacon and Banana Trifle Bacon...

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Bacon is a satisfying breakfast staple for many, and is commonly found in continental breakfast buffets in hotels served alongside sausages and eggs. It is also popular as an ingredient, a topping, and even as a condiment in foods such as sandwiches, sauces, pizzas, salads, and soups. However, the...

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A cuisine is characterized as a style of cooking practice and tradition that is associated with a specific culture. An Asian cuisine encompasses several major regional cuisines, including Southwest Asia (India, Pakistani and Sri Lanka), Northeast Asia (China, Korea and Japan) and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia,...

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Seasoning involves adding salt, herbs or spices to food to improve its flavor or taste. As a significant port, Singapore has dealt with herbs and spices since her early days when playing a vital role in the Spice Trade from the East to West1. Here are three commonly used...

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Today, it is common to witness diners placing orders using touch-screen devices or have a robot serve food at a restaurant. This phenomenon of minimal human interaction and having processes controlled through integrated technology is known as automation. Over the years, various forms of automated technology have been implemented...

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Century eggs are traditional Chinese delicacies produced by preserving duck, chicken or quail eggs1. It was created “by accident” more than 500 years ago during the Ming Dynasty, when a farmer found naturally preserved duck eggs in a muddy pool of water and slaked lime2. The farmer replicated this...

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According to industry analysts at Euromonitor International, the food and beverage (F&B) industry in Asia Pacific is estimated to accumulate total revenue of US$3.23 trillion in 2016. Despite the slowing economy, China, Japan and Indonesia are recognized as leading F&B producers in Asia Pacific. Source: Asia Pacific Food Industry...

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Chicken is one of the commonly consumed poultry items in the world1 and widely known for its high protein content. Several health benefits2 from consuming chicken include reducing risk of cancer, lowering cholesterol, boosting immune system, building muscles, and promoting heart health3. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, the following...

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