
Market News

left: Convenience food in a supermarket Frozen pizzas and chicken pies, heat and serve meals, cut and diced apple, pre-packed salads, – these are a few examples of convenience foods. With more people facing busy and hectic lifestyles, time-pressed customers are turning to convenience foods to settle their daily...

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photo: Golden Phoenix Claw The consumption of chicken has increased in recent years to become the best-selling meat item globally. In some countries, there appears to be a national preference for consumption of specific parts of the chicken like breast, legs and wings. However, in many other countries, almost...

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photo: Street food in Malaysia Southeast Asia has always been well known for its street food. From quick snacks to entire meals, street food forms part of Southeast Asian culture. Street foods from different Southeast Asian countries have influenced each other in many ways due to globalization. Goreng pisang...

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photo: Menu with chicken ingredients in an international cafe Over the last two decades, the Singapore consumer market has witnessed the rapid growth of international coffee chains. In every major shopping center, consumers are seen sipping coffee or tea in major international coffee chains such as Starbucks, Coffee Bean...

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photo: Local dishes offered in a Singapore cafe The traditional coffee shop located on the ground floor of a two or three storey shop house is a common feature for Singaporeans growing up within closely clustered residential estates. In the good old days, customers ventured to spartanly furnished coffee...

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photo: U.S. Roast Turkey The traditional roasted turkey is an iconic festive season dish for Christmas and Thanksgiving mainly celebrated in the West. However, the world is gradually becoming a huge melting pot due to globalization. More people are working in foreign countries, bringing their culture and cuisine with...

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photo: Supermarket Display With the proliferation of technology and the growth of e-commerce, more people are turning to online stores for products such as clothes, electronic goods, books and even groceries. Time-strapped individuals, driven by convenience, find online supermarkets an appealing choice. These shoppers no longer have to take...

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photo: iPad menu and delivery tray in Genki Sushi Empty seats are seen in restaurants but diners were turned away. Why is this so? Turns out the restaurant was short-handed to serve the diners. This has unfortunately become a familiar scene in Singapore restaurants. Restaurants are choosing to turn...

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photo: U.S. Roast Duck Duck has been a popular choice of meat in Asia since the Chinese domesticated it thousands of years ago. Duck meat is a popular choice amongst many as a source of healthy protein and fats. Duck also contains an abundance of iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper...

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photo: Student Meal Offers In light of a very competitive environment, restaurants have resorted to menu price reductions for off-peak dining periods. Breakfast and lunch are often priced significantly lower during weekdays. A number of restaurants have lower-priced meals for all-day dinning before the evening peak dinning hours. Some...

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