
Market News

We may have moved past the pandemic but consumer demand will continue to change for years to come as longstanding habits and behaviors were upended during its height. For one, there is no end to the home cooking trend with people choosing to work from home or at least...

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Asia’s tech entrepreneurs are using food that would have gone to waste to offer cheap meals through mobile phone apps. For example, a supper buffet of an assortment of satay chicken, wok-fried mud crab, and chilled tiger prawns at an international hotel would normally cost customers USD70.00 each. For...

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What was once a territory of the British Empire, an island under Japanese rule during World War II, and a country under the Federation of Malaysia for two years, now stands Singapore, an independent country for 57 years. August 9, 1965 marked the end of Singapore’s merger with Malaysia....

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The Meat Traders Association of Singapore (MTA) celebrated its 20th Anniversary on June 11, 2022. Close to 400 guests representing the food industry and trade attended a special dinner reception held at the Amara Sanctuary Resort in Sentosa to mark the occasion. Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, Ms...

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One word: Preparation. In a professional kitchen setting, chefs and cooks need to prep their ingredients and complete their mise en place (assembling everything in one place), prior to service. This process can take hours! An example of a time-consuming preparation in a restaurant setting is dry aging that...

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Before you shy away from duck fat, here are a couple of things you ought to know. Duck fat is the fat that is rendered from duck. While duck fat is most commonly associated with French cuisine, it has become a staple in professional kitchens and high-end restaurants around the world. Not only...

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The global savory snack products market size is estimated to reach USD263.0 billion by 2027 (Research and Markets). The market is primarily driven by factors such as shifting consumer preference for convenience foods. In recent years, the savory snacks market has been highly impacted by innovations as manufacturers rush to introduce...

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Globally, food is lost or wasted for a variety of reasons. This could be due to bad weather, processing problems, overproduction, and unstable markets, causing food loss long before it arrives at grocery stores. In the food service and retail sectors, overbuying, poor planning, and confusion over labels and...

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As consumers become more conscious of what they put on their plates, poultry meat continues to rule the industry because of its appeal over other meats that include considerations like food safety, ease of preparation at home and versatility. Chicken is one of the most commonly consumed meats worldwide. It...

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In the world of culinary arts, eggs are one of the most essential, nutritious and versatile foods on the planet. Eggs are cheap, taste awesome and go with almost any food.  Not only can they be eaten on their own, eggs are used in many recipes like desserts, cakes,...

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